Adult Circumcisions
Our adult circumcision procedure and FAQ’s.
Why do men wish to be circumcised?
There are many reasons that people wish to be circumcised later in life. These range from personal choice, cultural reasons and medical conditions.
The most common medical reasons are frequent infections or scarring of the foreskin, a condition known as BXO or Lichen Sclerosus. This can result in the foreskin becoming tight and unable to retract with erections. Intercourse can become painful.
Medical treatment with creams can be tried and is often successful but often men “suffer in silence”.
What happens if I wish to go ahead with a circumcision?
At an initial consultation, Dr Sheen will go through in detail about the procedure and all your questions will be answered.
The procedure is performed under long-acting local anaesthetic. Despite natural reservations, it is fair to say the circumcision is virtually painless.
As well, Dr Sheen encourages you to use the “green stick”, which everyone likes and helps you feel very relaxed!
The adult circumcision is performed by the freehand technique. Since everyone is different the freehand technique enables a more precise and individualised circumcision.
The wound is closed with dissolvable sutures and surgical glue. Bandages are applied and you are given information on how to look after your circumcision.
After the procedure
Aftercare is extremely important. You will be given detailed instructions.
As a general rule, Dr Sheen will see you about 4 days after the procedure and again about 10 days later.
Some sutures are removed but as dissolving sutures are used most will come out on their own.
Time off work?
This will very much depend on your job. If you become hot and sweaty at work or if looking after your bandages would be difficult then you would need to take 10 days off work.
If you have an “office job”, you should be able to go back to work after 4 days.
How long does it take for wounds to settle down?
The first couple of weeks you can expect swelling and bruising. This will slowly settle and will improve as the sutures come out.
It is important not to judge the outcome of the procedure for 3 months.
Travelling soon after circumcision?
You would be advised to delay any significant travel until 3 weeks after the circumcision. Sometimes it may be better to delay the procedure until after you return home from travel.
What do I do now?
If you feel that you would like to be circumcised or if you just want to have a detailed discussion with Dr Sheen, please be in contact.

Dr Adrian Sheen interviews
Prof. Brian Morris, University of Sydney
Click Here
Word explanation:
Phimosis– A narrowing of the opening of the foreskin which prevents it from retracting
Lichen Sclerosis also known as BXO– A scarring condition of the foreskin which can occur at any age and cause a tight foreskin. This can pre-dispose to cancer.
CIRCUMCISION: An Evidence-Based Appraisal